How to Waterproof Matches for Camping

How to Waterproof Matches for Camping

Waterproof matches are more expensive than regular matches but you shouldn’t go camping or on an outdoor adventure without them. If you consider that buying waterproof matches is not an investment you are willing to make then you should learn how to make waterproof matches in your own home. The next time I go camping I won’t have anything to worry about. I won’t need to rub two sticks together to start a fire or give up and head home because I have soggy matches!

My matches will work just the same as they do when they’re dry. This is totally one of the coolest camping hacks I’ve ever seen. I’ll probably make a few of these to keep in my kitchen too, just for convenience! This article will give you two methods of waterproofing your matches – check it out by clicking the link below.

How to Waterproof Matches for Camping