What Vegetables & Fruits To Plant In October

What Vegetables & Fruits To Plant In October

Image: allotment-garden.org

Image: allotment-garden.org

You may have seen the other articles like this one earlier on in the year. They always do well because people don’t know you can grow this late in the year. Obviously if you don’t live in a warmer climate or own a greenhouse your choices are very limited but there is still a few veggies and fruit trees you can plant.

When it comes to autumn planting of fruit and vegetables your best choices would be onions, shallots, rhubarb, asparagus, raspberries and garlic. The soil is still warm, and it’s a good excuse to get back out into the garden to keep an eye on things. I found a great list of vegetables you can plant in October over at allotment-garden.org. They have listed vegetables and fruits you can still get in if you act quick. I really like how they have set this one out. It is so easy to read and easy to understand. Click here to learn more:

What Vegetables & Fruits To Plant In October